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Rusty Hinger

Position: Director
Term: January 2022 – January 2028
Appointing Authority: Mineral County
Smiling man with glasses and a blue shirt, standing outdoors.

Rusty Hinger was appointed by Mineral County and has been a Director on the Board since 2014. Mr. Hinger grew up spending his summers at Bruce Spruce Ranch north of Pagosa Springs, and his winters near Amarillo, Texas. When he wasn’t working on the guest ranch, he spent time fishing on the streams. After graduating from Randall High School in Amarillo, he completed his associate degree in Business Management from Amarillo College.

In 1999, Mr. Hinger took over the Bruce Spruce Ranch. They operate the business year round, and his brother chips in during the summer months. When Mr. Hinger is not busy running the ranch, he enjoys fly tying, fishing, and hunting.

Mr. Hinger has two daughters, ages two and three and a half, who keep him on his toes.

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