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Financial Assistance Program

Our Grant Program

The Southwestern Water Conservation District periodically offers financial assistance in the form of grants to “qualified entities” that are carrying out the statutory purpose of the District to protect, conserve, use and develop the water resources of the San Juan and Dolores River basins, as well as to safeguard all waters to which the state of Colorado is equitably entitled. 

How to Apply 

Is your organization working on a water project or otherwise addressing a water need within SWCD’s boundaries? Is your organization a “qualified entity”? If so, SWCD’s grant program may be a good funding partner!

The SWCD board considers grants on an annual basis (once a year). Applications for 2024 funding are now being accepted. The board will review and consider all accepted applications at their January or April 2024 board meeting.

The SWCD board has not yet adopted its 2024 budget. Historically, the District has appropriated $250,000 in total grant funding per year: $125,000 for water supply projects, $50,000 for studies and processes, $10,000 for education, and $65,000 for emergencies.

Applicants are encouraged to submit applications starting on August 2023, but no later than December 15, 2023. for any funding requests to be disbursed during the 2024 calendar year. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered unless they are for an emergency request. Please see the guidelines for more details.

Questions? Contact Mo Rock, Programs Coordinator,, 970-247-1302.

Key Application Documents 

Please reference the following guidelines and application forms:

Note our deadline has been extended a month – applications are now due December 15, 2023

2024 SWCD Grant Guidelines2024 SWCD Grant Program General Application2024 SWCD Grant Program FAQ

For Emergency Requests in 2023 for funding in 2023 please use the 2023 Application:

Grant Program Guidelines 2023Grant Program General Application 2023
Grant Writing Support 

For support with water conservation-related grant applications to the Colorado Water Conservation Board or SWCD, consider contacting Western Resources Advocates.

For assistance with ag or multi-purpose ag project grant applications, consider contacting Greg Peterson at Colorado Ag Water Alliance, (720) 244-4629,

Projects We've Supported

Previously funded work has included ditch rehabilitation, water storage development and enhancement, water quality studies, collaborative water forums and workgroups, habitat restoration, and educational programs, to name a few. Below are grants awarded in 2023:

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